Cours et plus
"The More You Learn ... The More You Become"
- Antoine Howlett
Only 24% of millennials understand financial literacy. Financial literacy leads to an increased savings for goals. This plays a huge role in building a financially stable lifestyle. Click Here For More!
Community Development is a way for our future and present leader to impact their environment in many ways. It's important to learn how to identify and resolve these issue. Click Here For More!
Knowledge in Emotional intelligence helps our leaders gather the ability to identify and regulate one's emotions and understand the emotions of others. Click Here for more!
Anti-Bullying Training
Outline the criteria for bullying behaviour.
Recognise the forms of bullying.
Explain the relevance and severity of bullying.
Summarise the distinctive behaviours and causes of cyberbullying.
Report the difficulties and complex issues that are related to the prevention of cyberbullying.
Decode the reasons for bullying in children